Hey, I'm Solaine

Your dog, pilates and coffee obsessed Women’s PCOS Health Nutritionist.

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Losing weight with PCOS can feel like an impossible thing. But I promise it’s not. With the right approach you can lose weight, increase your energy levels and reduce your bloating in JUST a couple of weeks WITHOUT feeling hungry all the time – let me show you how.





Thyroid Health – Key Nutrients, Thyroxine, Autoimmunity & More with Solaine Douglas


August 18, 2022

I was lucky enough to get the call back on one of my favourite podcasts, Health Happiness & Human Kind. In this week’s episode of Holistic Health Chats I am re-sharing a recent conversation I shared with Steph Lowe where we explore thyroid health. Thyroid issues including hypothyroidism, Hashimotos and Graves are conditions that I work with frequently in clinic and I have no doubt if this is something you have struggled with you’ll find some value in this episode. Steph and I cover the key nutrients you need to make your thyroid hormones, the problems with only testing TSH, the challenges inherent the standard intervention of only Thyroxine, autoimmunity, prescribing therapeutic doses of selenium, the benefits and pitfalls of iodine supplementation and so much more. I hope you enjoy this conversation just as much as I did! 

One-on-one Consultations: 


If you are currently wanting to get personalised advice to support you with your nutrition & hormones, the best place to start is booking in a complimentary consultation. In this 15 minute consultation we will discuss your current health goals or challenges, what you can expect from consultations, the likely time frame to expect and we cover any questions you may have. If you’re happy to go ahead we book in a time for your initial consultation, equally if you need to think about it further that’s perfectly okay. 

To book in a complimentary consultation, simply head over to solainedouglas.com/links and navigate to the book section or click the link in the show notes. 

Show Notes: 

Follow Solaine online – 


Hey, I'm Solaine

Your dog, pilates and coffee obsessed Women’s PCOS Health Nutritionist.

Hey, I’m Solaine!

I am all about helping women with PCOS reduce their symptoms so that they can improve their quality of life. You getting results, you feeling confident and happy within your body is what gives me the fuel to keep building this business.

Ready to FINALLY lose weight and still have a social life without following a restrictive diet or feeling hungry all the time?


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